SLSNZ Declaration

Surf Life Saving New Zealand Membership Declaration

  1. The details set out in the Application for Membership form are true and correct. If they change, I acknowledge that I am required to notify my club of the changes, in writing, as soon as possible after they occur.
  2. I will be bound by the constitutions, regulations, policies, manuals, guidelines and reasonable directions of the Club and Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) respectively.
  3. I have voluntarily accepted and assumed the inherent risk of danger and injury in surf lifesaving.
  4. I will not hold my club, SLSNZ or their respective officers responsible for any claims, losses and expenses which may arise from or in connection with my membership and/or participation in any activity authorised or recognised by my club or SLSNZ, except in the case of gross negligence or a wilful act or omission on the part of my club or SLSNZ.
  5. I indemnify my club and SLSNZ from all claims, losses and expenses suffered or incurred at any time, occurring as a result of or resulting directly or indirectly from my failure to observe the constitutions, regulations, policies, manuals, guidelines and reasonable directions of my club and SLSNZ respectively.
  6. I am medically and physically fit and do not suffer from any disease or condition, either physical or mental that would affect my ability to safely participate in any authorised or recognised activities of my club or SLSNZ. If I am unsure about this declaration, or suffer from such a condition, I am aware that I must bring it to the attention of my club and SLSNZ.
  7. I understand that my club and SLSNZ will collect personal information about me for the purpose of:
    • (a) Processing my application for membership;
    • (b) Providing me with information relating to my interest group(s) (if I have ticked the box(es);
    • (c) Providing me with information and activities relating to my club and SLSNZ;
  8. I understand that my personal information will only be used for the purposes listed in paragraph 7 and that:
    • (a) My personal information will be held securely;
    • (b) I will have access to my personal information upon request;
    • (c) My personal information will be corrected upon request.
  9. I accept that both the club and SLSNZ have overriding discretion to decline this membership application for any reason.  Provided the club or SLSNZ does not decline my membership application, I agree and understand that upon payment of my membership fee (if any) I will become a member of my club and SLSNZ and that by paying such fee each year by the due date, I will continue to be a member of my club, and SLSNZ, unless I resign or my membership is terminated. 

Copies of the constitutions of the club and SLSNZ can be obtained by contacting your Club or SLSNZ via

Whangamata SLSC Declaration

  1. I give permission for my/our name/s and all my/our personal details to be entered into the database/spreadsheet records of Whangamata SLSC.
  2. I understand that my/our name/s and details may be released to Eastern Region Surf Lifesaving, Surf Life Saving New Zealand and Whangamata SLSC Partners for the purpose of statistics/mail out etc.
  3. I will be bound by Whanagamata SLSC constitution and any regulations, policies and rules made under it.
  4. I agree that photos of club members taken during the course of club activities may be displayed in Club publications including on the website, Facebook and Instagram pages.

I have paid the total of the above membership fees by bank transfer to 02 1254 0027806 000 with my surname as the reference.